API Examples

Excel Spreadsheet

This Excel spreadsheet has macros programed into it that connect to the CreditRiskMonitor API and retrive information on a Business. On opening the spreadsheet it will request a username and password. Once login is successful you will be able to use the spreadsheet. You can enter a company name in the "Name of the Company" cell (B1). Clicking "Lookup" will search for the Business and return results in cells H1 through H15. Clicking "View Business" will update the spreadsheet with information about that Business.

Console Program (C#)

This C# program contains a basic library for connecting to the API. It implements that library into a console program that is capable of looking up a Business, outputting basic info about a Business, outputting the News for a user, and outputting the Portfolio for a user.

Console Program (Python)

This Python program contains a basic library for connecting to the API. The library includes basic examples to login a user in, get Business Info, and News for the logged in user.